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Having trouble removing the middle seatbelt on the W212

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:01 pm
by maryem

I am unable to fold the back seats of my W212, thus I am now stuck removing the middle (rear) seatbelt. In reality, I'm installing fold-down seats in the back, each of which comes with its own safety belt.

I'm quite confident that in order to remove the middle belt, I need to unscrew this unusual bolt/cover that's located in the boot/trunk of the vehicle (as seen in the photo). However, I do not have a device that can fit into that little groove as shown in the photo.

I've attempted to use pliers, but all it does is make the 'thread' more tangled.

If anybody could help explain me how to take off the middle seat belt or how to take off this bolt, I would really appreciate it.

Re: Having trouble removing the middle seatbelt on the W212

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:03 pm
by Emma_Jackson2000
What’s on the other side of it ? (If it’s the boot space ?)

Re: Having trouble removing the middle seatbelt on the W212

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:04 pm
by maryem
The 'ceiling' of the boot contains this item. On the other side of it is the belt, which may be found below the foam or the package shelf.

Re: Having trouble removing the middle seatbelt on the W212

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:05 pm
by maryem
Stay with me. With the image that you see above, I've answered my own question. I can see the screw that has to be loosened on my laptop. When I glanced at it on my phone, it seemed to be nothing more than a lightning bolt.

I appreciate the nudging that you gave me :D

Re: Having trouble removing the middle seatbelt on the W212

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:06 pm
by Emma_Jackson2000
Come on, friend, get back in the game. The prodding didn't cost a thing ;)