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Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:35 am
by sighn34
Hi All,

My car is a 2014 Audi A4 2.0 TDI S-Line Multitronic (150PS) with a 64-plate.

I just looked up my vehicle identification number (VIN) on the Audi UK website to see whether my car is impacted by the recent Diesel Emissions scandal. I had a hunch that my car would be one of those impacted, and now I know for sure.

There has been no more communication except Audi's promise to get in touch with me in the future weeks.

My question was just to ascertain if or not anybody has a general idea of what the "fix" would entail. Is it going to be a simple software upgrade, or something more drastic like an engine swap?

Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:36 am
by SteveRulz23
The official solution is yet unknown, although software updates are expected to be the norm. It's either that or promote blue tanks, but VW would lose money and consumers would be inconvenienced.

The issue is that nobody knows how big of an effect the upgrade will have on MPG/performance if it's a software one. Surely they wouldn't have bothered with the "cheat device" if the vehicle had software that enabled it to pass emissions while maintaining the same performance and mileage.

Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:37 am
by sighn34
I appreciate your response.

Despite their being no "official" published cure, I figured I'd inquire around. I was only inquisitive, as are most people.

Given the potential high expense of retrofitting a vehicle with an Ad Blue system, I expect a software update to be the preferred solution. Even though it helps reduce emissions, I've heard that the Ad Blue system is a nuisance to refill.

Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:38 am
by SteveRulz23
Depending on how many miles you drive each year, replacing your Ad Blue tank isn't too much of a hassle.

The Focus ST is a lot of fun, and I should know since I had one for a time. :D

Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:38 am
by dontito
I believe this petition to get VW UK to pay up is the best option. ... rate-fraud

In the United States, they already have to the tune of $10,000! To think they could get away with it in the UK is beyond me.


Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:39 am
by sighn34
Any kind of recompense would be appreciated, but I haven't been keeping up with this controversy since it first broke. What is occurring in the United States on this front, I have no notion. Is it a monetary sum or do you get other benefits?

Perhaps one of the primary reasons I went with Audi was because I was informed the A4's emissions are far lower than those of my previous car, a Mondeo Titanium X Sport TDCi (200PS). This situation reminds me of the mis-sold PPI scandal, except with automobiles. Despite the fact that my Audi A4 has an emission problem, I would still purchase another Audi Diesel in a heartbeat if I could afford to do so.

My car is scheduled to have the Emissions software update at the end of August, so we'll see what happens then.

Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:40 am
by inevitable99
Please report back on your progress with the upgrading. I hope you can tell me how the upgrade affects the driving experience, gas mileage, performance, etc. Wesley.

Re: Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:41 am
by sighn34
Howdy, y'all

It finally arrived today: the Emission software upgrade. My Audi was in the service center getting updated this morning. When I checked in, I was told that my Service Center had not had any complaints about this update as of yet. I brought my vehicle to the Service Centre at 7:30 a.m., and I received a call around 10:30 a.m. letting me know that it was ready.

I recently had an emission update, an air conditioning update, and a cabin pollen filter replacement done.

It's too soon to tell whether the Emissions update improved my vehicle's performance, but on the way home, it seemed much smoother and more enjoyable to drive than before. This may be because I was comparing it to the manual A3 TFSI courtesy car and my "out of practice" gear changes, though. Anyway, I'll be on the Interstate for a while next weekend, so I'll see if I can maintain the 55-58mpg range I saw while cruising at 70 miles per hour a few weeks ago.

To be honest, I have no clue what this Emissions NOX does, therefore I am not anticipating any major changes. No one has informed me as to what this update truly does to my engine, however I am aware that the car has a system that provides Factory settings for getting Emissions statistics, which alter when the vehicle is driven on public roads.